MA Screenwriting Year 1 Mod 2 Week 9

I missed a week I think, thinking, well, should I bother with this weekly reflective blog, because apparently we’re not being graded on it. But, the truth is, I had grown into a habit of doing it on Sunday nights before tackling the next week’s inbox of tasks. And I miss it. Besides which, it is actually useful to organize my thoughts, progress, or lack thereof.

The war in Ukraine has taken up my attention and I’ve been finding it increasingly difficult to focus on my short screenplay. I did, though, manage to get a step outline done this week, as well as weaving in an unexpected pixar-style animation into my script, which took me by surprise, which I’m enjoying writing, exploring the internal workings of the urinary system. (If I hear another ‘are you taking the piss’ joke I may just throw my laptop at you.)

My task this week is to get a first draft of the screenplay down. I’ve applied for an extension for my portfolio submission date, so I’ve got an extra two weeks, thankfully. This at least allows me to make up for some of the time I lost due to being glued to The Guardian’s Ukraine invasion live stream 24/7.

An important decision I have to make is what kind of law is my female half of the romcom studying. The story serves as a metaphor for female empowerment. The key will be to subtly hint at the theme rather than spelling it out and bashing my readers over the head with the European Convention on Human Rights.

Until next time.

What do you think?